We are losing far too many Americans to drug overdoses, particularly opioid overdoses. This epidemic can only be addressed if we come together and share solutions that work.
The Rx Abuse Leadership Initiative (RALI) convenes national, state and community leaders to exchange best practices and provide resources that help prevent misuse of prescription medicines.

Everyone can play a role in helping prevent addiction from prescription drug misuse by safely using, storing and disposing of prescription medications.

Always talk to your doctor about how to use a prescription medication before taking it.
Be sure to follow dosing recommendations closely.
Don't mix medications without first checking with your doctor. Never mix prescription opioids with alcohol.
Don’t take someone else’s medication.

Always keep prescription medications in a locked or secure place – and always out of the reach of children.
Have a family conversation about the dangers of misusing prescription medication.
Never share medications with family members.

Once you are finished using a prescription medication as directed by a medical professional, you should safely dispose of it rather than keep it in your medicine cabinet for future use.
There are several ways to easily and safely dispose of unused medications right at home.
Learn more below.
One of the best things we can all do to help address the nation’s addiction crisis is to safely dispose of unused prescription medications. There are several options:

You can use household materials to dispose of your unused medications. All you have to do is mix your medicines with kitty litter or old coffee grounds in an airtight container and dispose of it in your trash can.

You can visit a drug takeback center in your community. Click here to find a location near you.

You can use a home disposal kit – you’ll put unused medications in the included pouch, add water, seal and dispose of it in the trash.
If someone you know has started misusing opioids, early intervention is critically important. Learning the warning signs of opioid addiction can help protect your family, friends and communities:
Many physical and behavioral changes could indicate that someone is misusing prescription opioids or illegal drugs, like heroin or fentanyl.
Common signs of opioid misuse:
Increase in fatigue or drowsiness
Rapid weight loss
Frequent constipation or nausea
Decline in personal hygiene
Wearing long sleeves regardless of the season

Unexplained absences from school or work
Loss of interest in hobbies
A drop in grades or performance at work
Spending less time with friends or family
Hanging out with a new friend group

Missing prescription medications
Empty pill bottles
Paraphernalia, such as syringes, shoe laces or rubber hose, kitchen spoons, aluminum foil, straws, lighters

Spotting warning signs in teenagers and young adults can be particularly hard because young people go through many emotional and physical changes.
Seeking out trusted resources can help.
If you suspect a loved one is misusing opioids, there are a number of resources that can help prepare you for a conversation with them.
For parents of young adults who may be misusing opioids, it’s important to talk to your family doctor about prevention and treatment strategies.
Read more about methods for preventing opioid misuse, spotting warning signs and talking to a loved one if you suspect there is a problem.

The Rx Abuse Leadership Initiative is partnering with Code 3 to bring the RALI CARES educational program to communities across the United States. The RALI CARES trailer is outfitted to look like a teenager's or young adult’s bedroom, but it is filled with hidden warning signs of substance misuse. Former law enforcement and experts point out the red flags of substance misuse based on their years of experience and discuss ways to seek help if someone is struggling with addiction.
Watch our video below to learn more about the program:

RALI Cares Virtual Experience
If you are interested learning more but have not had a chance to tour the trailer, you can access our virtual experience. Click below to enter. Due to the sensitive nature of the information, you must be 21 years of age or older to enter.

The trailer has traveled all over the country educating parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers. Visitors are often surprised by what they see, like common household items that serve as hiding places. Together, we hope that informed communities can help prevent the deadly cycle of opioid addiction.
Hear from people who have toured the trailer

Scott Vanderwal, Vice President, American Farm Bureau Federation

Anna Caballero, State Senator, California, District 12